
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Socks and Screens and Brokers 6/14/2007

Laundry got backed up so much I have been wearing Dockers for the last few days when I normally wear jeans. If is funny how a little thing like a dryer dieing effects your life. Wife is happy now but was going nuts before. This is a household were I am not allowed to do laundry or dishes.
I am trying something new. I rotated my 24 inch monitors where I can us the real estate on the screen better. If this works and I do not go crazy looking at them, I can add a 4th monitor without stacking them. Weird looking.
Brokers - I am using both IB and TD right now. I do not know if it best to use one broker or two. I like IB but I am growing unhappy with TD. I am thinking of going with TradeStation or moving all my money to IB. If anybody has any thoughts, please leave them as comments.

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