
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday Trade Review 6/24/2008

My trades:
1) Short 1500 of RIO - see chart above.
2) Long 300 of BJS - got in and got out for no reason. Stock moved about 50 in my favor after that.
3) Long 300 of MRO - once I made the money I lost on BJS, I got out. Dummy me. Stocks moved 80 cents in my favor after that.
4) Long 200 of MON twice - freaked out of both trades with small gains. Stocks moves 70 cents in my favor before times.
5) Short 300 of AGU - freaked out after a small gain on break down. Stock moves 4 points in my favor.
6) Short 200 of CF - freaked out after a small gain. Stock drops 3 points in my favor.
7) Short 500 of RIO - two stupid trades and lost a little money.
I have never made this much money being this stupid with my trades. When I write above the stock moves that much in my favor, I mean before any type of correction in the move. It could have been a banner day but I fucked it up.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross +291 net +249 shares 8000
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none


Anonymous said...

stop w/ the 'short 300 "of" CF format- who are u gartman- can't stand when he speaks in that format

Denarii said...

that is a good catch - the other times I have done this - I did not use the "of"