
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Blackjack - 5/13/2007

I was sitting at a Blackjack table in AC today and it reminded me of trading. I am relatively new at the game so I bring my little cheat sheet with me. I think out of all the hands, I played, I only play two not following the correct move. I also had enough money with me to deal with the draw downs. I did OK - made $120 after 2 hours.
I watched the other players at the table. A gentleman who seem to understand the game well and made all the correct moves was losing. I said too bad and he said " if you play the game perfect - it is a 50/50 bet. I win sometimes and loss sometimes - that is the game". He knew what he was doing and what to expect.
I saw the other players at the table. Sometimes making large bets - sometimes making small bets. Sometimes they were making plays that just made no sense. They seem to have no plan or any idea on what they were doing. The ones who were making the most correct plays, betting the same amount and had enough money to weather the ups and downs - stayed in the game and do not lose all their money.
It sounds like trading especially day/swing trading.

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