
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

TuesdayTrade Review 6/30/2009

There was no big mouth stocks today. Above was one trade that went against me that I could have had a big day. I went long 1000 of GERN on the breakout and got stopped a couple of cents off the next low. CNBC seconds later started talking about GERN. Ping - a 30 cent ride - I also had orders before I got stopped to add another 1000 shares over 8. I guess I could have gotten out with a $250 gain instead of $160 loss.
My two other trades where okay but both I cut too short after the GERN crap. I hate this type of trading I do where the first trade sets the day. I tell myself over and over - one trade has nothing to do with another but if the first trade is a loss - I become way too cautious the rest of the day.
I am glad the month is over.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross +96 net +66 shares 6000
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

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