
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tuesday Trade Review 8/5/2008

Finally a good trade to talk about but I am still disappointed in it. I saw all the steels falling apart but RIO so I want to short the crap out of it. I could not move fast enough and only got 1500 shares off and at a price a little lower than I wanted. My default setting is 500 on my IB platform. I was able to remember to peel. Something I am not good at yet. My net was close to $400.-
The rest of the day I treaded water on a bunch of nothing trades. Two of them, I should have sat on my hands with. Maybe one day.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross +407 net +382 shares 4400
Stock futures: none
Forex: none


Anonymous said...

nice to see you breakout and get a nice day of profits!

Keep it rolling.

Bluedog said...

Nice trading, Denarii!! I love the scaling into the trade. You had perfect timing.