
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The stars aligned but I dropped the ball sort of..... 4/13/2010

This was my best trade in a while and my biggest mistake. The Big Mouth said to buy SUN - an energy play. The stars aligned so beautifully. This and HK were about the only energy stocks up big. Crude was down and the market looked to open down.
SUN popped up strong, hung there and dropped. I had a list of energy stocks opened and they were falling fast. Instead of selling the living crap out of SUN - I has pussy footing around SUN was bouncing between 31.05 and 31.15. I had a sell at 31.20 and a sell stop at 30.99. I had already sold at 30.77 early in premarket. I should hit SUN with about 3 orders of sells while it hung there seeing the other oils falling apart. When SUN finally broke, I got slipped 7 cents on the fill - stupid.
This was the classic would of, should, could of trade that I messed up. Thankfully I did not chicken out and I made some coin but this should have been a 4 figure trade not the $186 I made.
Sometimes a gain can be a bigger mistake than a loss.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross +198 net +189 shares 1800 (should been 6000 shares)
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

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