
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thursday Trade Review 7/2/2009

As I post this, my Thursday trading is still eating at me. The top chart is ILMN. I have been having so many problems giving a trade enough time and room to work - it is driving me crazy. A lot of times if a stock breaks an important chart point and fails, I was giving it 10 to 15 cents and getting stopped a lot. A few day ago, I gave GERN a little extra room but I was stopped just a few cents from the first breakout failure before it truly broke out.
Now on Thursday, I decided to even ILMN even more room and again I was stopped just a few cents above the low but this time ILMN did not out and really run - over a point in fact. This is driving me crazy. I recognized my error and tried again at ILMN second breakout but missed so I tried to get in on a pullback and missed that by a couple of cents. Boy was I pissed.
Then I saw what I thought was a buy signal in the Dow futures but instead, I was just a little too quick and bought before the signal and the signal never happened. Once, I recognized that, I did not get out but waited until my stop loss was taken out.
Both these trades I allowed to screw with my head for the rest of the day. So when the X trade happened, at the first sign of trouble, instead of peeling, I sold the whole position where that trade could have covered most of my losses for the day if I sat in it.
Three things come out of this day, act faster, think clearer and sit on your f-ing hands.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross -187 net-205 shares 3600
Stock Futures: gross -180 net -189 contract 4
Forex: none

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