
Monday, January 21, 2013

Results 1/14/2013-1/18/2013

stocks: +18
Dow futures: -38.78
Nasdaq Futures: - 38..8
Crude Futures: +74.66
Gold Futures: -15.34
Copper Futures: +208.98
Corn Futures: +37.88
Soybean Futures: +150.76
Euro Futures: -105.64
A baby step in the right direction. My screw ups amaze me and they keep me going. After I chickened out of my only stock trade - it ran over $300 in what would have been my favor. The crude ran another 350 in the same direction I was in. A bean trade run another 200 in my direction. And two copper trades went a total of 600 in my direction. All of these went no more than 3 ticks lower than I got out. A couple hung there for a bit before moving. Crazy - just crazy.
On top of that - the Euro was just stupid and I should not have done and there was one Nasdaq I should not have been in.
Add that all up where say I risked $50 more on each trade, then I would have made close to $2000 this week instead all on one or two lot trades. Not bad. Only one trade I can say I truly sat on my hands and made nearly $200 in Copper. That trade I am proud of.
I guess this is what keeps me going - being so close.

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