
Monday, January 2, 2012

This Weeks Results 12/27/2011-12/30/2011

Stocks: +9.09
Dow Futures: +67.24
Crude Futures: none
Russell Futures: none
Gold Futures: none
net: +76.33
small gain on a couple of trades. Focused on Dow when the good action was on Crude. Story of my year. Went thru my yearly stats and made a small amount of money. If you took out the swing trades, the dividend received, and my big oops trade - I would have been strongly in the red. On the other hand, I lost a ton in June and some how got out of that hole.
As I stated before, 2011 was on insane year for family matters for me. In fact the last 30 months have been. I am looking forward to having that monkey off my back and maybe doing well for myself seeing all I have to worry about is myself.
Oh yes - happy new year to all of you who take the time to read me.

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