
Friday, May 14, 2010

Ouch 5/13/2010

This was not a good day to be overly aggressive in shorting the Big Mouth Stocks. I thought I had the chance at a big day with the market down in the morning. I was short CLNE (in size), HLF and DECK. All four charts above are Big Mouth Stocks.
Many mistakes. I was expecting pops in them all but for them to roll over. My mistake with DECK is shorting just before the market. With HLF, it was not waiting for the pop to peter out. CLNE - I did not have my stop in place if things went wrong. And CMCSA - it was the easiest to trade but it was the only one I did not chase - go figure.
I am just glad that I did not get a hurt as I could have or should have.
This shows my biggest problem. My good days are not as big as my bad days.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross -523 net -549 shares 5000
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

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