
Monday, May 31, 2010

Friday - still boring 5/28/2010

The big mouth stocks are above.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross +1 net -16 shares 3400
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

Friday, May 28, 2010

Thursday - Boring 5/27/2010

The big mouth stock above - boring.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross -25 net -35 shares 2000
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Wednesday 5/26/2010

This is just sad. I picked the bottom in the EURO to go short and I did that twice in the steels. On top of that, I did not take my setup in OIL that would have made a lot more than my losses. So I am regressing to my old trading style of selling new lows in the middle of the day and being eaten alive by the volatility. I suck right now.
No Big Mouth stocks today.
The Numbers:
Stocks: gross -276 net -288 shares 2400
Stocks Futures: none
Forex: gross -60 net -65 contract 1

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday stuff 5/25/2010

If you sold PRGO on the open or SD on the 8 am pop, you could have done well with the big mouth stocks. As I typed the order in to hit the BID on 5800 shares of SD at 8 am - someone gone there two seconds before me and I did not get filled. Tuesday was a busy day for me where I did not get to watch the market much.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross +40 net +20 shares 4000
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday Monday 05/24/2010

KFN was the big mouth stock of the day. I shorted and covered - shorted and covered and got no way with it. If I held my first short, I would have done okay.
I screw up another trade late in the day - short X when i decided it was better to buy a new phone instead trading - at times I just can't make this stuff up.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross +56 net +11 shares 9,000
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I hate life sometimes 5/21/2010

Friday was a pain in the ass for me. A friend of mine got bad news and that in return caused an argument between me and my other half. I was going to try trading like normal on Friday morning but I was really pissed off about the night before.
I waited until the open to place a trade but just before the open someone told me not to trade because my head was messed up. I had an order setup and was looking for a bottom. I picked my bottom and decided the person was right. I should not be trading. A course as the story would go - I would have picked the bottom by 15 cents on a stock that moved 5 points in my favor.
By mid-afternoon, I wanted to scream about being so stupid. A course then was the time I picked to trade when I really should have just closed the whole thing down and waited until Monday.
And guess what - I lost money. Thank god I did not trade like crazy. Friday could have been bloody murder for me or if I entered the first trade - it could have been my best day in years.
God I hate these days. i hate outside factors that screw with your mind.
I hope the world is back in sync by Monday.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross -244 net -249 shares 2000
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

Friday Big Mouth Stock 5/21/2010

On a crazy day like today - I would never play these unless the setup was perfect. This setup sucked.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wednesday Trades 5/19/2010

I was able to make back what I had lost on the EURO the night before. Nothing pretty.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross +216 net +191 shares 50000
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

Wednesday Big Mouth Stock 5/19/2010

An okay one.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sucky Trade of the day 5/18/2010

I hate this. I really hate this where the trade takes too long to work. I got in at an okay place. Maybe I should have shorted from 51.10 instead. I held for a while and got out. Could have been one hell of a trade if I followed it.
Now today - I got nailed for 160 in the EURO so I am a little pissed. I thought I wait until it was through a big 1/2 number to get short - 121.50 and I did and I lost.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross +10 net 0 shares 2000
Stock Futures: none
Forex: gross -153 net -163 contract 1

Tuesday Big Mouth Stocks 5/18/2010

One worked and one didn't unless you held on a long time. Should have made money.

Monday, May 17, 2010

No Trades today 5/17/2010

Brain just would not work. Tomorrows Big Mouth Stcoks are DB and BMO.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

YHOOOOOOOO 5/14/2010

I was far from being perfect but after the day I had on Thursday - I am more than glad to take it. YHOO was the Big Mouth Stock on Friday. It had news out that I did not know would over take the Big Mouth Effect. I decided to short it anyway but I waited until it showed some topping formation. Once it traded between 16.50 and 16.65 - I shorted on a break of 16.50. I bounced back into the range where then I double my position when it broke 16.50 again.
Now I should have been short a lot more shares and I played it safe but money is money. I also made a small trade in the futures.
The Numbers:
Stocks: gross +441 net +421 shares 4000
Stock Futures: gross +100 net +95 contract 4
Forex: none

Friday, May 14, 2010

Ouch 5/13/2010

This was not a good day to be overly aggressive in shorting the Big Mouth Stocks. I thought I had the chance at a big day with the market down in the morning. I was short CLNE (in size), HLF and DECK. All four charts above are Big Mouth Stocks.
Many mistakes. I was expecting pops in them all but for them to roll over. My mistake with DECK is shorting just before the market. With HLF, it was not waiting for the pop to peter out. CLNE - I did not have my stop in place if things went wrong. And CMCSA - it was the easiest to trade but it was the only one I did not chase - go figure.
I am just glad that I did not get a hurt as I could have or should have.
This shows my biggest problem. My good days are not as big as my bad days.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross -523 net -549 shares 5000
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A complete moron today 5/12/2010

The top chart is the Big Mouth stock today. Just seconds before opening I had a chance to short it at 38.50 and did not - a mistake. 20 cents of DD for a seconds is good.
The second chart with the mess on it is BP. I got carried away with BP like a complete moron. I expected it to pop like RIG did yesterday. When it didn't, I expected it to drop like crazy because of the hearings. I was super sloppy. I did not get my stop in fast enough on the first trade and then I was pissed off after that.
I lost total focus and guts. I was too slow in typing my order to short crude at 76.05. It dropped 80 cents in 3 minutes. Then late in the day I was placing an order to short RIG and I thought I had hit enter as the phone rang. I didn't and missed another good trade. I know - never answer the phone while trading but this was one of those calls I had to get.
I should be very happy I was only down $225 but on the other hand if I was not sloppy and took the trades I saw after BP - it would have been a good day.
The Big Mouth Stocks for tomorrow are CLNE and CMCSA. I am already short CLNE.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross -208 net -232 shares 7200
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

Tuesday Trading 5/11/2010

Above are the Big Mouth Stocks.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross -74 net -97 shares 5900
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

Monday, May 10, 2010

Not again 5/10/2010

The first chart is the Big Mouth Stock and it worked great.
My screw ups for the day:
1) I shorted the Big Mouth Stock perfectly but with only 1/3 size and never added.
2) Got stopped out of the Big Mouth Stock when I believe my stop was triggered in error.
3) Got stopped out of my EURO short when I entered 1.2889 instead 1.2898 - the high tick on the counter move was 1.2893.
4) Did not keep my cool when trading RIG. It was too crazy for my stomach.
5) I forgot to cancel my second order for RIG so I got to play again an panic again.
6) Thinking the market would break down later in the day. I long on the QID on top of the day tick.
I am just glad through all of my screw ups today - I only lost 165. It could have been a lot worst. If I did what I should have, I would have made about 800 on EGO, made 300 of the EURO, made 600 on RIG, lost 150 on MOS and lost 200 on QID for a total plus about 1300.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross -155 net -195 shares 8000
Stock Futures: none
Forex: gross +35 net +30 1 full contract

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Why I am a break even trader - I need to reread this every day. 5/8/2010

Like the title state "this is why I am a break even trader" and not making a good amount of money. I am going to review my biggest mistakes this week. A lot of people are going to say "this is nothing more than a wouldda, couldda, shouldda piece of crap". If you believe it, you believe it. I write this journal more for myself than anybody else.
Yes - there was many trades I tried taking or took that would have lost money instead of making money. I am not blind. Net Net - if I took all the trades I had orders setup ready to enter in the market - this week would have been a great and I mean great week. I need to learn to push the bottom and hold on a little longer. Taking loses have never been my problem.
Monday - my big mistake there was X. I watch trades too closely too often. I was too quick to move my stop loss down and then after making that mistake - I did not re-enter. I should have not stopped myself and then added on the break of 54.

Tuesday - you can look at the Tuesday Big Mouth entry. I was trading somewhere where I had to use a web version of IB instead of the Java platform. I am very proud of holding NKE thru the initials moments of pain but once NKE paused and the market was falling - I should have been shorting more shares left and right. Instead the first attempt - IB said a partial fill but it showed no new shares. I refreshed the screen to see if I did get more shares and I was logged out. Really pissed me off and I never tried again that morning. I did keep my stop a hair too close. I could have easily got 20 more cents a share on the trade.
Wednesday- I screwed up DPZ. (see big mouth chart for Wednesday) I chickened out again a moment too soon. I should have had my stop 5 cents lower and another order to continue to load up on the long side. The stock ran 50 cents before rolling over.
Thursday - X was a pain in the ass again along with the world. After the big crash, I saw the bounce and thought this is a damn good time to buy. I could not get an order in on either platform. That killed me and it would have been a great trade.

Friday - the pain is added on this day. After watching and waiting for about 45 minutes, finally I felt the market was rolling hard, I saw a setup I really liked - short VALE, and I wanted to go big time on it - sometime like 5 to 10k in shares. I typed in a 2k order than changed it to 4k then just could not pushed the button. Instead I played around with VALE late in the day and only made my broker happy.
This what I hate. I had enough big chances to make big money and cover any loses on my other dumb trades I would have done. Also I know if I had traded one of them correctly, I know mentally I had a much greater chance of entering the next. I could have gotten the ball roiling and had a big week.
The way I look at it - should have made $500 on Monday - $700 to $1000 on Tuesday - $800 on Wednesday - $1200 on Thursday and $4000 on Friday. $8200 in total adjusting for other stupid trades. I could have made a lot more.
It would not have been that hard to do. I have done these types of trades over and over before. If I do not get the guts to push the button and allow for a little bigger loss - say 0.5% on a trade instead of 0.2% - I will always be a BREAK EVEN TRADER.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday Results 5/7/2010

Stupid trading and did not have balls - more on this in a later post.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross +15 net +5 shares 2400
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

Friday Big Mouth Stock 5/7/2010

I could not believe this worked so well. People are really lemmings.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday Resuts 5/6/2010

I made one trade on this crazy day and made a few bucks. I wanted to make a couple of trades after the crash but both my platforms I tried to use - IB and TD Ameritrade were not letting me enter orders.
The Numbers:
Stocks: gross +98 net +93 shares 1000
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

Thursday Big Mouth Stock 5/6/2010

This one would have worked great it you follow the rules.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday Results 5/5/2010

The recap is on the Big Mouth Chart for DPZ. That is the only stock I traded on Wednesday. It should have been a big pay day.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross -18 net -48 shares 6000
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

Wednesday Big Mouth Stocks 5/5/2010

Over all they sucked today but my basis going in was to find stocks to go long if we did not died on the open and continue. The chat room had the same thoughts. I wrote some details on the DPZ. It is one of those weird stocks that if the Big Mouth recommends - it seems to always go up. I will write more about my trades in a later post.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday Trade 5/4/2010

Above are the Big Mouth Stocks today. I did not have much time to trade but I did get short one of them NKE. What really pissed me off was that IB when I placed a second order stated on my order screen it was partially filled but showed no additional shares. When I refreshed the screen, I got logged out. This was never happened to me using their web-based trading platform.
Anyway it was a nice trade. Details on a good Big Mouth Stock are on the chart.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross +275 net +270 shares 1000
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday Big Mouth and some trade stuff 05/03/2010

Above are the Big Mouth stocks for Monday. JAH was big money. AGN - you could have made money if you held through the opening mess. NFG really did not work and it had little volume.
I did not trade well. At point point I was short X and making 25 cents then it turned and ran me back to even before crashing. I got out near even. First day back and I was not function well.
When I get a chance I will post the Big Mouth Stocks from when I was gone if any one cares except me.
The numbers:
Stocks: gross +24 net +19 share 3400
Stock Futures: none
Forex: none

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Vegas Baby Vegas - oh crap

The trip I took was to Vegas and the Grand Canyon. Great time, Great Weather (except windy) and great food - even made $300 at Black Jack.


I think I lost one of my nine lives (down to 4 now) when I went parachuting for the first time and my tandem partner told me after me landed - he had to use the emergency chute - fun. You can get a small look at the first one knotted up. The chutes change color.


Good to be back on the ground again. Watch the video and at the end got a little carried away and said a bad word - lol.