During my daughter 60 days of crisis, I was with her for part of or all of 34 of those days. There were 3 hospitals, one rehab place and 8 doctors involved. During my travels for her, I spent time in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia and Maryland. I stayed in 8 different motel/hotels. I drove over 6500 miles, used over 8000 cell minutes and spent over $4500 on gas, food, housing, clothing and other things.
It has been a trip.
My daughter looks like she is going to come out whole in all of this. I think this event will straighten her life out too and even her boyfriend. Through this whole event she and I have done a great job of removing the mental walls between us and starting our relationship a new. I have never felt this close to her before. She is truly a special person in my eyes. I have also got the chance to be part of her life. I have met her boyfriend, many of her friends and co-workers. I have been able to see how many people care so deeply for her. I am very impressed. Her boyfriend is neat too. The first one I ever really liked.
What am I going to do now?? A course - go to the beach for the next 3 days and relax with the wife.