
Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday Trade Review 9/24/2007

After all was said and done, I made a big $15 today. Very frustrating and sad because I am so close. I guess this shows the small difference between being a good trader and an average trader.
If you look at the trades above and the post below, I had 4 big misses in the stocks I was trying to trade. I believe between HAR, NILE, LMC and ZINC - I should have been able to make about $1500. Also late morning, MissedTrade pointed out a trade I should have taken in shorting the YM futures. This would have generated $300-600 depending if I sold one or two contracts. This should have been an easy day for me even thou I am not yet gifted in finding good quality trades on my own.
The numbers:
Stocks: Gross +5.50 Net -5.50 shares traded 1000
Stock Futures: Gross +30 net + 20.40 contracts 2
Other futures: none
Forex: none

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