
Monday, September 10, 2007

First Day of School 9/10/2007

Tomorrow will start a whole new adventure for me. Maybe you all might think I am weird or think too much or are just plain messed up but tomorrow is another major step in following my dream - to be a day trader.
This process was taken a long time from the first step in March when I conclude I needed a break from my job - to figuring out a plan of action - to putting the plan into action and going through each step. Tomorrow is a scary day for me. It is the first day since the end of May 1982 that some company will not be paying me a salary. Think of that. That is over 25 years of collecting pay checks. I have never been between jobs. Tomorrow it stops. Tomorrow - I have to take money out of the market to pay for bills. It is a weird, exciting and scary idea. I also only have to make money for myself. No one else is depending on me to pay for anything. Don't get me wrong. I still have to pay my share of the household bills but no one else is asking, depending or expecting money from me. I just have to pay for myself.
I told a good friend of mine this a few days ago and said "So Tuesday will be just like the first day of school for you". You have that right.

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